SHADOW OF THE EVILS PAST! Peter Parker is joining his Aunt May and Nathan Lubensky at the tax authority of New York in order to get Aunt May's license to operate as a special-status landlady for her boarding house for the elderly from her home. Peter's musings about it being the home where Spider-Man grew up causes him to think back to his youth growing up in that home with Aunt May and his Uncle Ben. From there he recalls how he got his spider-powers and the death of Uncle Ben, something Peter still blames himself over because he could have caught the crook responsible days earlier. Peter then thinks how great Nathan Lubinski has been for his Aunt, as he had invested his own savings to help May get her home off the ground. With all the paperwork filed away, the trio decides to go an celebrate. Out on the street, Peter's spider-sense begins to go off and he narrowly avoids a car speeding out of an alleyway. Soon a police car pulls up and asks if they are okay, and to explain that the speeding car is involved in a bank robbery.
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